What's in Season?
One of the amazing things about choosing to eat local is experiencing the seasonality of food!
Seasonal Veggies Coming Soon...
We have already started seeding some veggies and will continue to update this page throughout the spring and summer! Below are some veggies you can expect to see in your produce boxes as they become ready to harvest between June and October!

We will be planting tomatoes in our greenhouse this year and hope to see early fruiting in late July

Bok Choy
One of my personal favourites! Our tender and delicious bok choy will be ready in June

Onions have already been seeded and will be ready in late July and August

Cucumbers should be ready for initial harvest in early July

The high yielding zucchini plant should be producing in late June / early July

Sweet carrots will be ready in late June and July

We will have lettuce ready for our first boxes in June

Radish will be coming up in late May and June

Green beans will likely be ready for harvest in July